Monday, December 6, 2010

"It Looks a Little Naked!"

Now y'all don't get excited! I said "It looks a little naked" when I looked at my undecorated Christmas Tree. I know what you people thought.... but this is all about Christmas decorating.

Our tree is 12 feet tall and huge. It is a "faux" tree and comes in 4 parts. It is pre-lite, thank goodness, and is stored in a big box in the garage. My husband had pacemaker surgery a month ago and is not supposed to lift more than 10 lbs with his left arm. That meant, I was on my own. Now, I have to explain that as a floral designer, in a former life, I decorated Christmas trees sometimes 8 hours a day... for years! But... now, I am 64 years old. Need I say more? It is hard work, especially with a 12 foot, very heavy tree. Besides, I want to do it myself, no husbands allowed. Selfish? Maybe, but I am very fussy about my Christmas tree.

So, it took hours to bring each piece in, assemble the stand and tree parts, and fluff it. I was taught to "touch" every single tip of every branch. Make it look real and full. That is what "fluffing" means. It takes time but is worth it.

Our house is a cedar home with lots of wood and stone. There is a vaulted 26 foot ceiling in the living room, which requires a tall Christmas tree. The house is decorated in a western style with modern furniture, leather and even long horns over the door. The Christmas tree is "woodsy" with one hundred red and gold balls, red bird houses, bird nests with cardinals (the Virginia state bird) and pine cones hung with red ribbon. I spiral pine garland and berries all around the tree and put a woodland rustic-looking Santa on the top. Red glass bead garland goes on last. When I put on the garland, I do it in a "messy" way. It is not perfect. It dips up and down, crossing the garland above. The tree takes two days, considering my many coffee and computer breaks.

I love Christmas decorating. Candles are everywhere and Santas sit or stand among brightly colored packages. Red throws and Christmas plaid pillows make the sofa comfy and with a warm fire in the fireplace and a cup of cocoa, who would want to be anywhere else?

1 comment:

  1. OMG sister you are a little crazy when it comes to Christmas. It sounds lovely though.
    I wish I could see that 12 ft tree. as I told you earlier I decorated a 3 ft tree yesterday in like 30minutes. It looks pretty crappy lol.
    I guess being from the same gene pool we still are not alike in the Christmas tree department.
    Your crazy (all the time) brother.


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