Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Dinner in 30 Minutes

Last Saturday night, we were going out to a music show at 6:00. I thought!

I was on the computer when Andy called out "Do you want to grab something to eat at a restaurant before we go to the show?" "No, I am going to cook tonight," I returned. "Well, you had better start, we only have an hour." He said.

"What!" I thought! It was only 4:00. As it turned out, we had to leave at 5:00 instead of 6:00 and I had to hustle in the kitchen. There was no time to panic. Get busy, Girl!

My rice cooker takes 20 minutes so I threw in a package (you know, the long skinny one) of yellow saffron rice in the cooker with butter and water. It started cooking right away. Good.

I sliced up steak, orange and red peppers and a large onion into strips and started to saute in a pan. When almost done, I tossed in a package of Fajita mix and a 1/4 cup water, covered and steamed until tender.

Meanwhile, I chopped up some Romaine lettuce, peeled a kiwi fruit and sliced. I peeled and sliced an avocado and arranged all on a plate and drizzled with Raspberry Walnut dressing straight from the bottle.

I warmed two tortillas, stuffed them with the meat/pepper/onion mixture and topped with freshly shredded cheddar cheese, plated up a generous scoop of yellow rice, brought the salad plates to the table and served my Mexican meal to my husband all in under 30 minutes. Not bad for a hurried up dinner and best of all- he loved it.

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