Sunday, March 6, 2011

Little Kitty Named Tabby Grey

I have been thinking about my grandmother a lot recently. She was a important influence in my life. She is gone now and I miss her very much. This is a children's poem she recited to my brother, sister and me when we were children. I think it came from the 1920s, 30s or 40s.

I do not know the author and have tried to find the title and words on the Internet. I have Googled, Poem Finder and Poem Hunter, with no luck. If anyone has heard this poem before please let me know.

Little Kitty Named Tabby Grey

I am a little kitty, my name is Tabby Grey.
I live out in the country, some twenty miles away.
My eyes are black as hazel, my fur as soft as silk.
I banquet every morning on a saucer full of milk.
The milk comes sweet and foamy, from the good old cow,
After I have drank it, I frolic you know how.
Sometimes when I am naughty, I climb up on the stand,
And eat the cake or chicken or just anything I can.
Oh! Then they hide my saucer, no matter how I mew,
And that is the way I'm punished for the naughty things I do.

1 comment:

  1. Wow, thanks for posting this. I have googled it in the past too without any luck. My aunt you to sing this when I was young and maybe my mom and grandmother too. I searched for it because I have a tabby grey kitty and I think of it when I look at her.


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