Saturday, April 7, 2012

Can You Say "Treasure?"

Andy and I had nothing better to do this afternoon so we decided to take a drive on the four-wheeler. We checked our cows, made sure the automatic water-feeders were working, took some pictures and had fun racing down the roads and through the pastures. What a beautiful day! No wind, for a change. Not a cloud in the sky. Cool but not cold. The perfect day for a treasure hunt.

There is the foundation of an old tobacco barn on the property. The wooden walls either decayed or burned down long ago but you can still see the rock foundation and where the fire box once stood. We have talked about looking for old coins or bottles long buried but never have taken the time. What fun!

Well, a half hour into the "dig" I fell down and bloodied one knee, bruised the other, pulled a muscle in my back and was not in a very good mood any more. Andy was intent on finding something and we did! We filled up his empty beer can with a handful of old rusty nails. The big metal detector would buzz and beep telling us where to dig and how deep. My smaller detector would whine and yell and then I would find the prize- a nail! I broke a fingernail and thought I saw a snake. Turned out to be a root from a tree- but still!

Well, no buried treasure or even an old snuff can. Nothing. Zilch. What a waste of time.

On the way back to the barn, however, we found our treasure. A new baby calf, no more then 3 days old. I got so close I could have touched her. Mama didn't seem upset and baby was happy to pose.

Some days bring us little miracles. In this season of blooms and buds, warm spring breezes and the promise of new birth, I guess bruised knees and a broken fingernail is not such a big deal.

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